To save your score, you must be logged in. To save your leaderboard score, click on the button "Send screenshot for score recording >>>" button when your score or hight score is displayed on the screen.
It will be added to the ranking after verification.
The Amstrad emulator comes from the site Sound is no longer available with recent browser versions. You can get sound by using the Tiny emulator by clicking here
, but it will not be possible to record your score
2024-01-27 23:45:27
A patched version of Frog Alot has just been delivered (thanks Kukulcan). This patch allows you to display the level reached at the bottom of the screen as well as the message "CONGRATULATIONS" after completing the 8th level. The level reached is now taken into account in the ranking. Initially the game loops indefinitely on the 8 levels and when it reaches 999990, the points are reset so there is little point in ranking the players. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Une version patchée de Frog Alot vient d'être livrée (merci Kukulcan). Ce patch permet d'afficher le niveau atteint en bas de l'écran ainsi que le message "CONGRATULATIONS" après avoir terminé le 8ème niveau. Le niveau atteint est donc maintenant pris en compte dans le classement. Initialement le jeu boucle indéfiniment sur les 8 niveaux et arrivé à 999990, les points sont réinitialisés donc peu d'intérêt pour classer les joueurs.