To save your score, you must be logged in. To save your leaderboard score, click on the button "Send screenshot for score recording >>>" button when your score or hight score is displayed on the screen.
It will be added to the ranking after verification.
The Amstrad emulator comes from the site Sound is no longer available with recent browser versions. You can get sound by using the Tiny emulator by clicking here
, but it will not be possible to record your score
2024-11-10 13:03:28
Notes for the game: - To play with the directional keys, you must disable the joystick under the CPCBox emulator - The automation of score management only works on the highscore screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes pour le jeu : - Pour jouer avec les touches directionnelles, vous devez désactiver le joystick sous l'émulateur CPCBox - L'automatisation de la gestion des scores ne fonctionne que sur l'écran des highscores